Garland Festival of youth, Protvino
8 (800) 200-70-90 Russia 24/7
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Garland "Festival of youth"

Article AE897

Delivery to: Protvino, Russia

Delivery Date: 22.03.2025 Delivery Cost: $34.63
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Description: Fern (100), salal (20), Оазис гирлянда (4), dianthus green (10), cymbidium pink (10), cymbidium green (10), cymbidium yellow (20), dianthus cream (10), limonium blue (15)

Size: 156x10x10''

Description: Fern (100), salal (20), Оазис гирлянда (4), dianthus green (10), cymbidium pink (10), cymbidium green (10), cymbidium yellow (20), dianthus cream (10), limonium blue (15)

Size: 156x10x10''